Thursday, December 19, 2013

Final Exam

Hello!!!! This is my final exam! It was really fun, a little challenging but i got it done all the way!!!!!!! Here's the steps, and the list of tools first: Circle, Rectangle, Star, Pen, Gradient, Text, Minus Anchor Point, and Arrow. I also used the Pathfinder window and Offset Path a lot.

1. I created a large circle
2. I offset the path of the circle to the inside.
3. I minused the front of it and colored it black with white outside.
4. I created another circle to use as a white line so i could write my words.
5. Then i wrote my words, and created text outlines.
6. I then ungrouped the outlines, selected both the shape and the letters, and divided them. Then i deleted the letters out.
7. Then i made the bomb, by making a circle, applying black gradient with three black color stops, and applying different levels of transparency to them all. Also changing its location with the gradient tool.
8. Then i made a small circle and offset its path two different times, and made them all different shades from white to black, that was the shine on the bomb.
9. Then i made another small circle, made it grey and offset the path two times, to create a really small one and a larger one. The really small one is black, and the larger one is transparent.
10. Then i created the wick, by making a line with a linear white and grey gradient.
11. Then i made a small circle for the flame, it has a white to yellow to orange radial gradient.
12. Then i made a star with the star tool, minused the anchor points until i created a triangle.
13. I filled the triangle with the same gradient as the flame and copied it and placed them around the flame.
14. Then i created another layer, made a rectangle with a purple to indigo radial gradient, and locked the layer under the first one.
15. NOW ITS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tray Box

This is the last box that i created for my project. It was for already cooked pasta that you could just heat up and serve. Or serve cold....if thats what you prefer. It has a wrapping of plastic on the top and it looks really good.

Carrying Package

This is my second packaging item. I wanted to create a box to hold my little triangle boxes so it would be easier to buy them in bulk or for display purposes. I also made the fork picture bigger and more emphasized.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Triangle Package

This is the first packaging thing, it looks like a triangle box and i got inspired from another box that i had seen from my reasearch into this subject. It will have a plastic coated inside with the pattern on it and i incorperated the logo and things from the logo on the outside.


This is my pasta pattern logo. Its going to be used on wrapping paper in the box and a design as plastic in the actual triangle shaped pasta package. I love this because i think its cute and peppy.

Pasta Logo

This is my pasta logo, i love it a lot and it was really fun to make. I used the font i previously selected and i really just love it very very very much. The color is green to remind you of italy, and the i is a fork with pasta which has gradient applied to it that makes it look like it has a shadow on it.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Company Breif
Pasta Pizzaz is all about flavored pasta. At Pasta Pizzazz, we don’t just make pasta, we make it special. We add the finest ingredients into our pasta batter, so it will taste just like it’s supposed to with an added twist. Other flavored pasta companies just don’t have the quality of food and flavor that ours has. We love creating and making new flavors and styles for our pasta!

I chose these types of packaging because I want the fun shapes and styles. The packaging should be modern with a pretty twist, and some fun added to it. With a small simplistic style too. These packages showed me and gave me ideas for the future.

I chose these swatches because they remind me of pasta. Pasta and all its many flavors too. The colors are vibrant, and fun, and they create a suitable atmosphere for the pasta.

I chose these three fonts because they create a classy yet modern twist to the name of Pasta Pizzazz. Since it is a modern pasta company, I wanted to create that mood with the font. The curls and twists of it give you a sense of fun bliss.

Here i put together all of the writing documents on my mood board that explain about why i chose different things for my logo, packaging, swatches, fonts, and the company breif is included here too.


Pasta Pizzazz  FGKaishoNT-M
Pasta Pizzazz  Adolphus

Pasta Pizzazz   Rage Italic LET

Here are the fonts i chose for this assignment. I really like them because they remind me of a pasta company and a cute theme. They also reflect the name Pasta Pizzazz and they make you feel happy with also a formality added to it.

Business Cards

This is my business card for my Graphic Design company. I wanted it to look cute, modern, and uplifting. I like the color blue, and since the company is called Visionary Graphics i wanted an eye with a VG as the logo for Vision. I really like the font choices and i love this card in general!!!

Company Logo

This was the logo that i chose for the company Pasta Pizzazz. I applied the colors I already chose to the words and the font. I think this logo looks really cute and it would look great on a box or anywhere. I made the letters green in a good looking font. I also created the I to be a fork holding pasta.


These are the packaging containers that i liked for my pasta. I really liked these because they're really fun and modern and cute. I also liked the color choices and the idea of putting the box together, and their shapes. Please disregard these swatches, i had to change them.


Here are the swatches that i chose, I like the colors of them because they remind me of italy and pasta. I also included the CMYK numbers for printing ease.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Generic Questionare

Branding and Identification Questionnaire
Please complete the information about the product you wish Visionary Graphics Design to complete for you.  This questionnaire helps the designer better meet your needs.  Please answer in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. 
General company information: (Brief history/ “About Us” ) Creates many different kinds of flavored Pasta’s
Company Name: Pasta Pizazz
Product Name: Flavored Pasta
What type of product does your business offer? Many different types of flavored pasta
Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? 30 to 40 both genders.
How would you describe your services and/or products? Very authentic and good. Wonderfully made and artisan crafted.
Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  (Provide links) Barilla has many different kinds of pasta, but we only have flavored pasta. Buitoni has many different pasta’s and dishes. We only stick to pasta and its sauce.
Please provide general information about your business. (Location, years in business, employees etc) We are located in New York, New York. We’ve been in business for two years, are employees are very hardworking, and we have been doing well.
What is the idea behind the business name? Is there a unique story, if so please explain? We just wanted a fun name for our pasta since it is many different kinds of flavors.
What is the overall mood of the product?  Playful, Serious, Ultra-professional? Playful and funky. We want a modern twist on this seemingly goofy but actually delicious idea.

Logo information: (product)
Do you want an image logo (no text/or text under image: Example: Nike Swoosh) or TypeLogo (Ex: Coca-Cola)? Most likely a type logo.
What is the overall message you wish to portray (look back at the company information you provided, playful etc.)? Playful and funky but also a little modern.
What logos types do your think will appeal to your audience and why.  (provide links if you have styles you like) Just a fun type, we want our audience to be happy to eat our pasta.
Where will you be using the logo?  (Print, website, video media) On our website, on our products, and in our commercials.
Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors? If yes, please list them below or attach a current image of existing logo or webpage. Medium Green, Light yellow, medium red.
What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? Serious, Friendly, Steadfast, Loyal, Regal, etc. Friendly and energetic.

Do you envision something modern and trendy or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)? Modern and trendy, but with a roundish side.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hey! So this is my fabulous logo for my graphic design company called Visionary Design. My company is about helping people who are just starting out, small businesses preferably. This was really fun, and I picked a really good font for my design and then i created an eye out of vectors and made that part of this. Now its awesome and fun!!!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Here's those

pics. Sorry :)

Logo Worksheet

Eileen Bradway,
Gd 6th, Nov 2nd 2013                             also like this logo too, just because I know the company that it’s associated with and they are really famous. This logo is also really modern and professional looking, and it makes sense for what the company is broadcasting. Since the logo is an acronym for Central Broadcasting Service, and there is an eye, for viewing. Yay! There is so much hidden in logos!! logo looks really modern, if you have already read the paragraphs before this then you’ll know that I really enjoy modern looking items. This company I actually don’t know but Im guessing it has something to do with computers. I also love the illusion in the design where there is an H and a sideways M. Which stands for Hale Microsystems. company’s logo also looks really modern and really professional. I actually don’t know about this company at all, but I’m guessing it’s a foreign construction company from what it says. All I know is that the design is really creative and original. It makes the logo pop out at you and it would probably be good on black and white backgrounds. I love this one…

I really like this logo because it looks really modern and very pretty. I love the color blue               too. The name is also really cool because it is a graphic sky! And there is a person going into the sky too. This one might seem a little weird, but I like it. This is of a graphic design company, even though I’ve never heard of it before. 

\ logo is actually really fun looking! It might be modern, or not, it kind of looks like something from the nineties, but anyway I really like it. This logo really matches what the name of the design company is. Since it says hue the logo is made up of different hues of colors. Since it says humanity, there is an eye. Since it says creative, the logo itself looks very creative.

This logo is really fun, I like the color choice, and they really complement each other. This is a graphic company so it really looks nice when they create an optical illusion. I also like the title and the little slogan….off topic. Ok so the logo itself is a really fun optical illusion, since it’s made up of two E’s reflected on each other. So it creates an E and a G.

So my company’s name will be Visionary Graphic Design or VGD

Logo Design Worksheet Questionarre

Eileen Bradway,
Gd 6th, Nov 2nd 2013

 Branding and Identification Questionnaire:   Personal Graphic Design Company
General company information:
*Company Name (Fill this in) _Visionary Graphic Design_________________
What product or service does your business offer?   Graphic Design; Illustration for various companies and products.
Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? (Fill this in)____ages 20-40 , and I will deal with little, more family owned businesses, with more personal confrontations._____________
How would you describe your services and/or products? Logos, Websites, Printed design, t-shirts, etc.
Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  Other graphic designers.  
Please provide general information about your business. (Fill this in) My business will help people with small businesses that are new or just starting out. The name visionary creates a vision of certainty for the new future and beyond.
What is the overall mood of the company?  Serious about creating a good product, but open to creative input.

Logo information:   
Our logo will be used in print, on website, video media
(keep this in mind) SIMPLE, MEMORABLE, SCALEABLE

Fill in ALL questions below
If you want your company name to appear in the logo, what is the exact name as you would like it to appear in your logo?  Probably the acronym VGD because that’s more simplistic and easy to remember than the long name Visionary Graphic Design.

What is the overall message you wish to portray (serious, playful, etc.)?  Sort of serious about my company but hopeful and new for the future.

Do you have any color preferences? Probably a medium dark/deep modern color of blue and white

What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? That they have a feeling of hope when they see my design, or new like qualities. Like branching off infinitely into the horizon.
Do you envision something techy (squarish, modern) or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)?
Sort of a mix, since I do want it to look modern and professional, but to add some soft roundish qualities, since my company is representing new thoughts.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Logo Word

This was a really fun and easy project! It was nice, and it taught me easy ways to make something look really cute and modern! Using just simple circles, the direct selection tool, and the scissor tool. I loved creating this, and now i have more skills to add on to my old ones, with short cuts too!!!! ( I didnt mean for that to be a pun, but i guess it could be one if you wanted it to......why am i typing this????)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Poster

This was a wonderful project!!!! I loved creating it, but i had a little trouble with the opacity masks at the end but overall it was pretty fun and wonder ful!!! I hope that we do something like this soon so, agian, thanks for letting us have the opportunity to do this!!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Word

Halloween! Yay! This is actually my favorite holiday of the whole year!!!!! This project was really fun but time consuming.....especially since i was absent for two days. But i pulled through and created this beautiful thing, or work of art......whatever.. I just had a really hard time with the spiderwebs...a really hard time. Actually it was really just the placing of them and the tweaking of them that was hard for me. But overall it was really fun! Thanks for allowing us (and me) to do this project!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pollution Advertisement

CRAP was really fun to use!!! It helped me a lot and it made me laugh at the name also. I picked the background color blue, because it made the brown color of the dirty water drop stand out. I also made the words "industrial wastes are dumped into" looked like they were actually being "dumped" out onto the picture. Then I made the word 70% pop out because that is very important and that needs to stand out. Also i made the other important words stand out a little bit. Then i decided to make the words that seemed dirty like "wastes, or dumped" the color brown, and i made the words water blue and with light lettering. Lastly i made the words Stop The Suffering large and at the bottom so they would draw your attention. Then i got a picture of children suffering from the water crisis and clipping masked them to the words. I think it looks pretty good. I love this!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Woof Project

Hey! This is now my favorite project, just because it looks so cool and awesome!!!! Yeah!!!!! I loved the look of the fur on the letters, but the fur was really problematic. I am the kind of person who loves perfection and i have no patience whatsoever.....maybe still working on that. So the fur was hard since i had to draw it stroke by stroke. My favorite part though, was when i copied it, and put another layer over the black. I also made this layer smaller, and a little lighter than black, so it would look like a small shadow. That was the fun part!!! I really liked it and that was awesome!!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Reflections (1st Six Weeks)

I really enjoyed this past six weeks of projects. It helped me learn so much about Illustrator, when previously I had no knowledge at all. Illustrator is actually very fun and I really enjoyed working with it. My favorite tool is the pen tool, even though it can be troublesome sometimes. But it still is fun!!! I also like the gradient tool and the shape builder tool. Together they're really awesome!

The projects we also had this six weeks were also really fun! I really enjoyed the Basketball Player, the Glyph Monster, and surprisingly the Water Drop project! I know that mostly everyone else hated it, but I really liked it.....until it came time for the pathfinder tool.......yeah that wasn't very fun. But the project I disliked a lot was the flower one! I hated it because it was confusing even when I did the instructions and the stems and petals just fought with me the whole way!!!! I did learn from it though, like drop shadow!!! This is my favorite class and it will probably stay that way!!! FOREVAH!!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Color Theory Worksheet

Color Theory Worksheet

Please read the materials listed below and answer the following questions:

Please type out answers in complete sentences.  You may paraphrase.  Please do NOT copy and paste definitions. 

  1. Define hue: This is basically the colors name, how you pick each color out.
  2. Define value: This is the lightness or darkness of one particular color.
  3. Define saturation: This is how intense or how bright a color appears.
  4. How many colors are available on our computers? Six main colors.
  5. Define secondary color: Made of the mixture of two primaries.
  6. Define tertiary color: This is a primary mixed with a secondary that is next to it.
  7. Define complementary colors: Two colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel.
  8. What are the primary colors in Photoshop? The colors Red, Green, and Blue.
  9. What are the secondary colors in Photoshop? The colors Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow.
  10. Define subtractive color model: This is mixing the CMYK colors, the ones used for printing, and when you mix them, you get black.
  11. Define additive color model: This is mixing the RGB colors, the primary colors, and when you mix them, you get pure white.
  12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? It is additive.
  13. Is CMYK additive or subtractive? It is subtractive.
  14. What is the RGB color model used for? It is used for the screen.
  15. What is the CMYK color model used for? It is used for the press.
  16. Define analogous colors: These are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
  17. Define tint: This is a pure color that has been mixed with white.
  18. Define shade: This is a pure color that has been mixed with black.
  19. Define neutral: A mixture of complementary colors.
  20. What can be said in general about warm colors? These colors tend to be more prominent in a picture.
  21. What can be said in general about cool colors? These colors tend to be more hidden in a picture.
  22. What color is associated with stability? The color Brown.
  23. What color symbolizes royalty? The color Gold.
  24. What is the color of cleanliness? The color White.
  25. What color symbolizes freshness? The color Green.
  26. Which colors are associated with joy? The colors Yellow, and Orange.
  27. What color symbolizes passion and danger? The color Red.
  28. Dark red is associated with: It is associated with rage, anger, wrath, and vigor.
  29. Reddish-brown is associated with: It is associated with harvest and fall.
  30. Dark orange is associated with: This means deceit and distrust.
  31. Gold is associated with: Royalty, wealth, and power.
  32. Yellow is associated with: Joy, happiness, Childlike finesse.
  33. Dark green is associated with: Ambition, greed, and jealously.
  34. Olive green is associated with: It is associated with Peace.
  35. Light blue is associated with: Health, healing, and tranquility.
  36.  Dark purple is associated with: Sad feelings, gloom, and frustration.
  37. Why is the use of color important in graphic Design? It helps evoke emotions and set the mood for your picture.

Lyrical Typography

This was one of my favorite projects, and I really enjoyed this one. I decided to create the word candle and make it look like an actual candle, with the words "in the wind," looking like they were drifting. I then made the words "never knowing" in the shape of a question mark to give the feel of a question. the words "who to turn to" are displaced to make you feel a little confused. I then chose a light font for "when the rain" to make it look like the words were rain, and i made them small. Then for the last words "sets in" i made them dominant in the bottom corner, kind of like they were an anchor for the other words, setting them in. I personally love this song, and this work. The background is blue because of the lightness of the words.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


This is my input for AVP!!!!

One Word Art

I played a little with the font size and made the O's in the middle look like eyes. The little o's inside the eyes are a cute addition that i made to make it fun! Now the project looks like its looking at you!!! I think that was just a fun little joke. i hope you like it!!!

Typography Quote

Identify the design elements. It has shape and line, also form, and it has line value. This project was very fun and i enjoyed doing it very much. In case you dont catch onto it right away, inside the earth it says art.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Skitty Typography

I had a really fun time creating this skitty out of type, and glyphs. It was hard at first but then I learned more and more and created shortcuts for myself. I think this looks really good and this was one of my favorite projects.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Awesome Typography

This typography project was really fun, and it helped me with my typography skills! I make the back ground blue and grey and i make the outline of the words white so it would stand out. I think typography is very cool and i love how it looks on the computer!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Typography Practice

This is my Typography practice! I learned a lot from the demo that i worked off from. This was really fun, and it helped me learn how to use the Typography portion of Illustrator. I struggled a little with the circle one, but then i went back, read the directions, and completed it!!!

Purple Cat

This is a really cute cat that I created! I love it too!!!! This was made in my spare time.

Typography Worksheet

Typography Worksheet:
Use the links below to complete the worksheet

Write out the answers to these questions in complete sentences. 
Label and define all of the above numbers:
1. This is the Ascender line. It is the imaginary line which determines the height of the ascenders.
2. This is the Base line. It is the imaginary line where all the characters rest. Descenders hang below the base line.
3. This is Ascender height. It is the x-height plus the height of the ascending stroke. It is the distance between the Base and Ascender lines.
4. This is the Cap height. This is the height of the capital letters, and the distance between the base line and the cap line.
5. This is the Descender, which is the stroke of a letter that goes below the base line.
6. This is the Ascender, which is the stroke of a letter that goes above the mean line.
7. This is the x-height. It is the distance between the top and bottom of a lower case letter. It also is the distance between the base line and the mean line.
8. This is the Cap line. This imaginary line determines the height of capital letters.
9. This is the Mean line.  This imaginary line determines the height of lower case letters.
10.  This is the Descender line. This imaginary line defines the bottom reach of Descenders.

Define Serif:  The line that goes out from the top and bottom of letters to make them easier to read.
Define Sans-Serif: This has no serif, it is very straight.
When do you use Antique Fonts? You use it to create a period feel.
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? You use them no more than three words at a time.
What does a script font resemble? These fonts resemble handwriting.
Why use Symbol Fonts? You use them to embellish text or to complement fonts.

Define Typography: It is the art of arranging letters for media purposes.
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? You can have more of a feel for designing, and creating layout projects with words.
Kerning: This is the space in between letters in a word.
Leading: This is the space in between lines of text.
Tracking: This is creating “rivers” of white space throughout your text.

When do you use Center Alignment? You use it to draw attention.
When do you use Right Alignment? You use it for a professional look, or for business letters.
When do you use Justified Alignment?  You use this for newspaper print and textbooks.
What is remembered, good styling, and bad styling?   Why?  Bad styling is more remembered, because it is sloppy and uneven, and that draws the reader’s attention more than good styling. Even if it is bad.
What is legibility? The ability to see the words clearly and to understand them.
Type size smaller than 7pt is: This is difficult to read.
Type size smaller than 3pts is: This is Illegible.
Type range for legible type is: The range is between 9pt and 10pt.
What size do you use for long passages? You use 8pt to 14pt.
What case do we use for Body? You use upper and lower case, because the irregular shapes help you see more legibly.
What is measure? This is the width of the text column.
What can you tell me about Ranged/Ragged Edges? This is where the text is aligned on the screen. Some words are shorter than others though, and it creates a “ragged” look when you are typing.
What are some ways text can be used as images? Summarize what you see.  
Text can be used as a photograph, it can be arranged into many shapes, or it can be a string of letters. It can also create designs and it can be used as color in a picture.

Choosing and Using Type:
**Read ALL of it.  Answer the following: **
Why is choosing and using the right font important?  Give YOUR opinion.  It helps set the mood for your writing, and it helps readers identify the right spot and place for your document or story.
What are the two most important things to remember?   Type is made to serve the text, and there are appropriate and inappropriate typefaces.
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider? An appropriate typeface is one that fits. You have to consider who your audience is, and what typeface would be appropriate for them. You also have to put your own credibility into the equation too.
Tell me the rules:  (there are 10)
1.       Text for a body paragraph should be 10 to 12 point, with 11 po0int the best for printing. Use the same for everything!!!
2.       Use enough line spacing, make your text light and easy to read, or it will appear cramped.
3.       Don’t make your lines too short or long. Make them over 30 and fewer than 70 characters.
4.       Make beginnings clear. Use either an indent or block style for paragraphs. Don’t use both or neither either.
5.       Use only one space after a period.
6.       Don’t justify text unless you have too.
7.       Don’t underline anything, it’s bad.
8.       Use italics in the place of an underline.
9.       Don’t write a whole sentence in italics, bold, or Caps. It’s hard to read.
10.   Leave space above headlines and subheads. Use subheads to help readers find what they are looking for.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Caution: This is very scary!!! I have no idea how I came up with this, but it was fun to make!!!! I loved using the pen tool when i was creating it. Now im better at most of this stuff!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Flower Boquet

Hey! I'm back again, with a new project that I personally think looks awesome! It was basically taking a real flower and copying it so it would be a graphic design flower!!! I left the dots on the flower because I thought it makes a really dramatic effect, and it makes that area pop. Also, real flowers do have a dusting of pollen on the petals, so......Real Life!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Hey this is very abstract, it comes from the depths of my imagination!!! Enjoy

Monday, September 9, 2013

Line Practice

Hey! This is me, and I have just completed the pen tool project. It was very fun, but very annoying. AT the end I wanted to kill the pen tool, but I learned  a valuable lesson from it, PATIENCE!!!!

Dirty Water Drop

Hello agian! This is my new project that I created to help the cause of dirty drinking water. This water drop was made of simple shapes also, but they are now more perfect then the other project that I created earlier. This project also helped with shading, and I learned a lot from that. Just take a look at it's eyes or mouth, makes it look 3D! The direct selection tool aslo helped me with shape manipultaion, and pulling things to were I want. I had a really fun time with this project, except for the intersect tool! It was really hard, and it made me frustrated, but when I realized that I had skipped a  step, I went back and corrected it. Now it looks beautiful!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Simple Shapes

Hello! This is my very first assignment using just only SIMPLE SHAPES!!! Yes, I only used circles, ovals, squares, rectangles.....etc. It was actually very fun and it helped me get more familiar with using the shape tool, and many others. I also learned (through trial and error) short cuts and other ways to do my work easier. Through this assignment I have found ways to use this information that I have learned to help with future work! In other words, I had a wonderful time!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Elements and Principles of Design

Elements of Design

Color- You have your primary colors (Red, Yellow, Blue) and your secondary colors (Green, Orange, Purple), there is also a third element that falls in between the secondary and primary colors on the color wheel. Colors also have their opposites, which site opposite them on the color wheel. Colors also have many tints and shades, which help with lighting and shadow.

Line- Lines are very important, they help you create borders, text, shapes, they can also be lines in a graphing plane, or vectors. They can also be created by your pencil, pen, or brush. Lines are almost always 2-D, and they stretch into infinity.

Volume/Mass- The mass of what you are designing is how "heavy" and wide it is. It also is 3-Dimensional, with height added to the length of the object, and how much space it takes up. It should appear full and life  like.         

Movement/Motion- This is achieved when your creation appears to be moving, or when you place certain lines that help the viewer understand. It is when your object is not boxy and tough, but fluid and graceful, allowing for it to move.

Space- This involves the amount of space around your object, or in your picture. There could be a lot or very little depending on what you want in your picture. Large, negative space, is blank and white. Positive space is filled with color or shapes.

Texture- This is the outside quality of a shape, how it should feel. Hard, smooth, slimy, glossy, fuzzy, rough, etc.... You can see texture and you can feel it, it can be both.

Value- This is the lightness or Darkness of a color, it helps with shadowing and lighting when you are coloring a shape or a drawing. It adds a "life like" quality to your drawings that just normal quality wouldn't.
Typography- The way in which you organize, color, size, shade, position, draw and place text. It creates art and a very beautiful image.