Friday, November 1, 2013

Logo Worksheet

Eileen Bradway,
Gd 6th, Nov 2nd 2013                             also like this logo too, just because I know the company that it’s associated with and they are really famous. This logo is also really modern and professional looking, and it makes sense for what the company is broadcasting. Since the logo is an acronym for Central Broadcasting Service, and there is an eye, for viewing. Yay! There is so much hidden in logos!! logo looks really modern, if you have already read the paragraphs before this then you’ll know that I really enjoy modern looking items. This company I actually don’t know but Im guessing it has something to do with computers. I also love the illusion in the design where there is an H and a sideways M. Which stands for Hale Microsystems. company’s logo also looks really modern and really professional. I actually don’t know about this company at all, but I’m guessing it’s a foreign construction company from what it says. All I know is that the design is really creative and original. It makes the logo pop out at you and it would probably be good on black and white backgrounds. I love this one…

I really like this logo because it looks really modern and very pretty. I love the color blue               too. The name is also really cool because it is a graphic sky! And there is a person going into the sky too. This one might seem a little weird, but I like it. This is of a graphic design company, even though I’ve never heard of it before. 

\ logo is actually really fun looking! It might be modern, or not, it kind of looks like something from the nineties, but anyway I really like it. This logo really matches what the name of the design company is. Since it says hue the logo is made up of different hues of colors. Since it says humanity, there is an eye. Since it says creative, the logo itself looks very creative.

This logo is really fun, I like the color choice, and they really complement each other. This is a graphic company so it really looks nice when they create an optical illusion. I also like the title and the little slogan….off topic. Ok so the logo itself is a really fun optical illusion, since it’s made up of two E’s reflected on each other. So it creates an E and a G.

So my company’s name will be Visionary Graphic Design or VGD

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