Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Company Breif
Pasta Pizzaz is all about flavored pasta. At Pasta Pizzazz, we don’t just make pasta, we make it special. We add the finest ingredients into our pasta batter, so it will taste just like it’s supposed to with an added twist. Other flavored pasta companies just don’t have the quality of food and flavor that ours has. We love creating and making new flavors and styles for our pasta!

I chose these types of packaging because I want the fun shapes and styles. The packaging should be modern with a pretty twist, and some fun added to it. With a small simplistic style too. These packages showed me and gave me ideas for the future.

I chose these swatches because they remind me of pasta. Pasta and all its many flavors too. The colors are vibrant, and fun, and they create a suitable atmosphere for the pasta.

I chose these three fonts because they create a classy yet modern twist to the name of Pasta Pizzazz. Since it is a modern pasta company, I wanted to create that mood with the font. The curls and twists of it give you a sense of fun bliss.

Here i put together all of the writing documents on my mood board that explain about why i chose different things for my logo, packaging, swatches, fonts, and the company breif is included here too.


Pasta Pizzazz  FGKaishoNT-M
Pasta Pizzazz  Adolphus

Pasta Pizzazz   Rage Italic LET

Here are the fonts i chose for this assignment. I really like them because they remind me of a pasta company and a cute theme. They also reflect the name Pasta Pizzazz and they make you feel happy with also a formality added to it.

Business Cards

This is my business card for my Graphic Design company. I wanted it to look cute, modern, and uplifting. I like the color blue, and since the company is called Visionary Graphics i wanted an eye with a VG as the logo for Vision. I really like the font choices and i love this card in general!!!

Company Logo

This was the logo that i chose for the company Pasta Pizzazz. I applied the colors I already chose to the words and the font. I think this logo looks really cute and it would look great on a box or anywhere. I made the letters green in a good looking font. I also created the I to be a fork holding pasta.


These are the packaging containers that i liked for my pasta. I really liked these because they're really fun and modern and cute. I also liked the color choices and the idea of putting the box together, and their shapes. Please disregard these swatches, i had to change them.


Here are the swatches that i chose, I like the colors of them because they remind me of italy and pasta. I also included the CMYK numbers for printing ease.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Generic Questionare

Branding and Identification Questionnaire
Please complete the information about the product you wish Visionary Graphics Design to complete for you.  This questionnaire helps the designer better meet your needs.  Please answer in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. 
General company information: (Brief history/ “About Us” ) Creates many different kinds of flavored Pasta’s
Company Name: Pasta Pizazz
Product Name: Flavored Pasta
What type of product does your business offer? Many different types of flavored pasta
Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? 30 to 40 both genders.
How would you describe your services and/or products? Very authentic and good. Wonderfully made and artisan crafted.
Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  (Provide links) http://www.barilla.com/ Barilla has many different kinds of pasta, but we only have flavored pasta.
https://www.buitoni.com/ Buitoni has many different pasta’s and dishes. We only stick to pasta and its sauce.
Please provide general information about your business. (Location, years in business, employees etc) We are located in New York, New York. We’ve been in business for two years, are employees are very hardworking, and we have been doing well.
What is the idea behind the business name? Is there a unique story, if so please explain? We just wanted a fun name for our pasta since it is many different kinds of flavors.
What is the overall mood of the product?  Playful, Serious, Ultra-professional? Playful and funky. We want a modern twist on this seemingly goofy but actually delicious idea.

Logo information: (product)
Do you want an image logo (no text/or text under image: Example: Nike Swoosh) or TypeLogo (Ex: Coca-Cola)? Most likely a type logo.
What is the overall message you wish to portray (look back at the company information you provided, playful etc.)? Playful and funky but also a little modern.
What logos types do your think will appeal to your audience and why.  (provide links if you have styles you like) Just a fun type, we want our audience to be happy to eat our pasta.
Where will you be using the logo?  (Print, website, video media) On our website, on our products, and in our commercials.
Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors? If yes, please list them below or attach a current image of existing logo or webpage. Medium Green, Light yellow, medium red.
What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? Serious, Friendly, Steadfast, Loyal, Regal, etc. Friendly and energetic.

Do you envision something modern and trendy or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)? Modern and trendy, but with a roundish side.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hey! So this is my fabulous logo for my graphic design company called Visionary Design. My company is about helping people who are just starting out, small businesses preferably. This was really fun, and I picked a really good font for my design and then i created an eye out of vectors and made that part of this. Now its awesome and fun!!!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Here's those

pics. Sorry :)

Logo Worksheet

Eileen Bradway,
Gd 6th, Nov 2nd 2013


http://www.logodesign-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/logo-design-california.jpgI also like this logo too, just because I know the company that it’s associated with and they are really famous. This logo is also really modern and professional looking, and it makes sense for what the company is broadcasting. Since the logo is an acronym for Central Broadcasting Service, and there is an eye, for viewing. Yay! There is so much hidden in logos!!

http://www.logodesign-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/logo-design-spain.jpgThis logo looks really modern, if you have already read the paragraphs before this then you’ll know that I really enjoy modern looking items. This company I actually don’t know but Im guessing it has something to do with computers. I also love the illusion in the design where there is an H and a sideways M. Which stands for Hale Microsystems.

http://www.logorium.com/sites/default/files/images/2121/logos/Graphic-Designers-Logo.pngThis company’s logo also looks really modern and really professional. I actually don’t know about this company at all, but I’m guessing it’s a foreign construction company from what it says. All I know is that the design is really creative and original. It makes the logo pop out at you and it would probably be good on black and white backgrounds. I love this one…

I really like this logo because it looks really modern and very pretty. I love the color blue               too. The name is also really cool because it is a graphic sky! And there is a person going into the sky too. This one might seem a little weird, but I like it. This is of a graphic design company, even though I’ve never heard of it before.


http://empowergraphics.net/eblasts/logo-eg.jpgThis logo is actually really fun looking! It might be modern, or not, it kind of looks like something from the nineties, but anyway I really like it. This logo really matches what the name of the design company is. Since it says hue the logo is made up of different hues of colors. Since it says humanity, there is an eye. Since it says creative, the logo itself looks very creative.

This logo is really fun, I like the color choice, and they really complement each other. This is a graphic company so it really looks nice when they create an optical illusion. I also like the title and the little slogan….off topic. Ok so the logo itself is a really fun optical illusion, since it’s made up of two E’s reflected on each other. So it creates an E and a G.

So my company’s name will be Visionary Graphic Design or VGD

Logo Design Worksheet Questionarre

Eileen Bradway,
Gd 6th, Nov 2nd 2013

 Branding and Identification Questionnaire:   Personal Graphic Design Company
General company information:
*Company Name (Fill this in) _Visionary Graphic Design_________________
What product or service does your business offer?   Graphic Design; Illustration for various companies and products.
Who (age/gender) is your target audience and who is your most ideal customer (economic status/education etc)? (Fill this in)____ages 20-40 , and I will deal with little, more family owned businesses, with more personal confrontations._____________
How would you describe your services and/or products? Logos, Websites, Printed design, t-shirts, etc.
Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?  Other graphic designers.  
Please provide general information about your business. (Fill this in) My business will help people with small businesses that are new or just starting out. The name visionary creates a vision of certainty for the new future and beyond.
What is the overall mood of the company?  Serious about creating a good product, but open to creative input.

Logo information:   
Our logo will be used in print, on website, video media
(keep this in mind) SIMPLE, MEMORABLE, SCALEABLE

Fill in ALL questions below
If you want your company name to appear in the logo, what is the exact name as you would like it to appear in your logo?  Probably the acronym VGD because that’s more simplistic and easy to remember than the long name Visionary Graphic Design.

What is the overall message you wish to portray (serious, playful, etc.)?  Sort of serious about my company but hopeful and new for the future.

Do you have any color preferences? Probably a medium dark/deep modern color of blue and white

What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? That they have a feeling of hope when they see my design, or new like qualities. Like branching off infinitely into the horizon.
Do you envision something techy (squarish, modern) or more organic (natural, soft, roundish)?
Sort of a mix, since I do want it to look modern and professional, but to add some soft roundish qualities, since my company is representing new thoughts.
