Elements of Design
Color- You have your primary colors (Red, Yellow, Blue) and your secondary colors (Green, Orange, Purple), there is also a third element that falls in between the secondary and primary colors on the color wheel. Colors also have their opposites, which site opposite them on the color wheel. Colors also have many tints and shades, which help with lighting and shadow.
Line- Lines are very important, they help you create borders, text, shapes, they can also be lines in a graphing plane, or vectors. They can also be created by your pencil, pen, or brush. Lines are almost always 2-D, and they stretch into infinity.
Volume/Mass- The mass of what you are designing is how "heavy" and wide it is. It also is 3-Dimensional, with height added to the length of the object, and how much space it takes up. It should appear full and life like.
Movement/Motion- This is achieved when your creation appears to be moving, or when you place certain lines that help the viewer understand. It is when your object is not boxy and tough, but fluid and graceful, allowing for it to move.
Space- This involves the amount of space around your object, or in your picture. There could be a lot or very little depending on what you want in your picture. Large, negative space, is blank and white. Positive space is filled with color or shapes.
Texture- This is the outside quality of a shape, how it should feel. Hard, smooth, slimy, glossy, fuzzy, rough, etc.... You can see texture and you can feel it, it can be both.
Value- This is the lightness or Darkness of a color, it helps with shadowing and lighting when you are coloring a shape or a drawing. It adds a "life like" quality to your drawings that just normal quality wouldn't.
Typography- The way in which you organize, color, size, shade, position, draw and place text. It creates art and a very beautiful image.